
Family Photo Extravaganza!

It really is the best time to take 'the family photo'- yes, it is during that busy holiday season that people try to fit in one more thing like a family photo.  But if not during the holidays, then when?  This family I photographed reminded me of my own holiday season this year.  They had one sibling in Hawaii and another in Nevada.  But everyone plus their families were home for the holidays.  That is when you need to take that little window of time between the ginderbread house decorating and caroling singing to STOP and capture the moment when all of you are in the same room.  It seems to be the thing I regret the most if not done and the first thing I plan on doing the next time we are all together. 

On top of the stresses of the holidays, this family was also celebrating a first birthday the day before our photo shoot!  Good job family for managing the stress and looking beautiful.  It was really fun spending time with your lovely family.  There is so much joy shared!

These grandparents are in heaven!  Can you blame them?  Look how cute these kiddos are!

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