
anticipating an addition...

I didn't know how to categorize this post- maternity, couples, family- so I did all three.  This couple is expecting their second child 9 years after their first.  The beautiful mother is not a first-time mom, but there was something in her eyes where the anticipation was as if this was her first.  And maybe time does that- renews first feelings.  So as this was considered a maternity session- I left photographing an expecting family, an expecting couple and an expecting mother and her beautiful belly.  It was so much fun!  The arrival of a baby is anticipated by the whole family and everyone should be photographed.  Family enjoys sharing in every milestone together- even if one member needs to carry the extra belly by themself.  I couldn't believe this expecting mom- she is 8 months along and sported high heels.  I was impressed.  Congrats family!



Baby X

Oh Baby X- he is 5 months old, adorable and knows it!